Friday, August 31, 2007

Maestro of Suspense

Episode 4: Bernard Herrmann - On this episode of Cue the Music, Ralph discusses three of the most popular scores from the Hitchcock/Herrmann collaberation.

Prelude - Psycho
Marion and Sam - Psycho
Temptation - Psycho
The Finale - Psycho
Overture - North by Northwest
The Streets (outtake) - North by Northwest
It's a most Unusual Day - North by Northwest
The U.N. - North by Northwest
Interlude - North by Northwest
Carlotta's Portrait - Vertigo
The Bay - Vertigo
Scene d' Amour - Vertigo
Fashion Show - North by Northwest

click below to listen:
Maestro of Suspense


Matt said...

This man was pure genius! Add to the fact that he was teamed up with the Master of Suspense, and it's a sweet cacophony for the senses!

Ralph- said...

i love herrmann and i know that there are a lot of composers that have tried to emulate him. some to great effect